Normally, we think of “Spirit Days” as being a part of school spirit weeks, but while it takes place in the same general season as school football games, Spirit Day has nothing to do with homecoming. Instead, this holiday has a much more empowering and significant meaning. So, let’s get down to it.

What Is Spirit Day?

Spirit Day is an annual LGBTQ awareness day that focuses on supporting LGBTQ youth and speaking out against bullying.

What Is the Meaning of Spirit Day?

Through celebrating Spirit Day, awareness is created for the harassment that LGBTQ individuals experience on a regular basis. By drawing attention to this heartbreaking reality, peers and community members are more empowered to step in with kindness, empathy and alliances in light of this adversity. And together, we’re able to take a stand against bullying.

When Is Spirit Day 2022?

Spirit Day 2022 is on Thursday, Oct. 20. Each year, it falls on the third Thursday of October.

When Did We Start Celebrating Spirit Day?

According to GLAAD, “In 2010, GLAAD began work with high school student Brittany McMillan. In memory of the young LGBT people who lost their lives to suicide, Brittany encouraged her friends to wear purple on a day in October—a day that came to be known as Spirit Day.” McMillan had shared with GLAAD, “Ultimately, I want Spirit Day to make just one person feel a little bit better about his or herself, to feel safe enough in their own skin to be proud of who they are.” And while it’s been over a decade since Spirit Day’s first celebration, its intention to raise awareness of bullying and put an end to youth harassment is still needed.  After all, “1 in 3 LGBTQ youth reported that they had been physically threatened or harmed in their lifetime due to their LGBTQ identity,” and “more than half of transgender and non-binary youth have seriously considered suicide,” according to The Trevor Project.

What Color Is Spirit Day?

Purple is the color of Spirit Day, as it “symbolizes spirit on the rainbow flag,” according to the National LGBTQ Task Force.

How Do We Celebrate Spirit Day?

The National LGBTQ Task Force shares, “You can participate by wearing purple, tweeting about #SpiritDay, making your Facebook profile photo purple and generally spreading the word.” And on the GLAAD website, you can add your name to “take the pledge against bullying.” By celebrating Spirit Day, participants are also aligned with the Trevor Project’s message to LGBTQ youth: “that they are beautiful the way they are, that their lives are valuable, and that they are never alone.” Next up, Get to Know the History Behind 21 LGBTQIA+ Pride Flags and What They Each Represent